"Nuclear Industry Robotization" Workshop Programme

Objective: Facilitation of professional interaction efficiency in the field of robotic engineering and nuclear power industry to tackle current issues and promote the development of robotic technologies for nuclear industry.


  1. Giving attenders the floor for free exchange of information and ideas on theoretical and feasible solutions of current issues in robotic engineering for the purposes of nuclear industry, including assurance of operational safety, equipping emergency and rescue services with robotic aids, decommissioning nuclear energy facilities, and maintenance of radioactive wastes storage facilities.
  2. Familiarization with state-of-the-art achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of nuclear industry robotics;
  3. Exchange of experience on designing radiation safety assurance technologies, robotic-aided diagnostics and decommissioning of nuclear infrastructure facilities.
  4. Determination of current issues, high-priority practical tasks and opportunities for nuclear-industry robotics development, including scientific challenges in NPP robotization.
  5. Discussion of positive robotization practices implemented in other industries and their feasibility for nuclear industry facilities.
  6. Establishment of new connections, strengthening and further development of direct professional interindustry communication within robotic engineering and nuclear power sectors.


  • advantages of using robotics at nuclear power facilities;
  • operational features of and requirements to robotic systems in nuclear industry;
  • robotization of emergency and rescue services in nuclear power sector, their robotic equipment standardization;
  • problems of nuclear power facilities decommissioning and concepts for robotic-aided solutions to such problems.

Target audience: Scientists and professionals in the field of robotics and nuclear power industry, managers of nuclear industry companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, higher education institution students and post-graduates.