WORKSHOP "Space Robotics. From "Lunokhod-1" to lunar bases."

Objective: Determination of directions and opportunities for space robotics development


  1. Familiarization of scientists and specialists with cutting-edge achievements of space robotics engineers.
  2. Exchange of views on approaches to solving the issues posed to designers of space robotics.
  3. Identification of tendencies in the space robotics development and opportunities for space activities robotization.
  4. Discussion on possible approaches to creating orbital infrastructure for robotized servicing of spacecrafts.
  5. Determination of possible forms of international cooperation in the field of space robotics development for the purposes of orbital and Moon missions.
  6. Discussion of opportunities for creating design-consistent robotic orbital stations.


  • orbital maintenance of automated spacecrafts via service robotics;
  • on-planet rovers and robotic means for supporting Moon exploration missions;
  • robotic means for operational maintenance of orbital stations;
  • robotization of space exploration missions and space security monitoring;
  • using robotics for expanding the application scope of space technologies.

Target audience: Scientists and professionals involved in development of space robotics, representatives of Roscosmos-affiliated companies and foreign space agencies, higher education institution students and post-graduates.